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Men Weren’t the Only Ones Hurt by Camp Lejeune Water

Was Your Family Injured?

If You Were at Camp Lejeune 1953-1987 and Suffered Illness or a Loved One’s Death, Begin Your Lawsuit Now.

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Camp Lejeune Water Contamination Lawsuit

A Tragedy 30 Years in The Making

The worst environmental disaster in U.S. history lasted several decades at Marine Base Camp Lejeune. Beginning in the early 1950s and continuing through the mid 1980s, the 10 contaminated wells distributing toxic water were ultimately capped. However, it was too late to undo the damage done to over one million who had gone through the gates to serve our country and support our troops. Thousands upon thousands of Marines and Sailors who lived, worked, or trained on base have been stricken with untimely illnesses including cancer, Parkinson’s, ALS, and neurological disturbances. But it was not just the men and women who served who were affected.

Entire families drank the same water that sickened our troops – with the same tragic results: unusual illnesses, untimely deaths, infertility, and even stillborn babies.

Usually, a government branch like the military is immune to lawsuits, but the damage here was so serious and extended that something had to be done. This past summer the PACT Act, containing the Camp Lejeune Justice Act, was signed into law allowing Camp Lejeune victims to sue the government.

Begin Your Claim Here!

My name is Audrey. There are hundreds of babies that died at Camp Lejeune. I cannot find one study that was done on the children that were stillborn. Why do you think this is? My child was one of those babies and this mystery still haunts and hurts me to this day. One person has located over two hundred death certificates that say cause of death is ‘unknown.’

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Two Years and Counting.

There is only a two-year window from August 10, 2022, and once you’ve filed, your lawyer must build your case. Your lawyers risk it all on their ability to win financial compensation for your suffering. You either win something or lose nothing.

Even though the toxic water at Camp Lejeune is in the rearview now, you still are owed solace and long-awaited restitution. The day has come when you can finally seek justice.

Begin Your Claim Here.


Claims filed with the TCU (Tort Claims Unit) do not impact benefits or programs administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

A Case for Women Founder, Susan Knape

Susan Knape, Founder of A Case for Women

How Can We Help?

A Case for Women was founded by women, for women. We are here to educate women with an understandable message explaining how legal action can be life-changing. Our services are offered at no charge because our trusted law firm partners all over the county cover our costs.

We are passionate about helping women because we have been disproportionately harmed in so many ways. In recent months we have helped thousands of families sign up for the Camp Lejeune action.

A Case for Women also operates a foundation that provides financial help to women in dire circumstances. To donate or seek assistance go to

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