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Change Your Life by Taking a Stand.

Women and children are disproportionately hurt by Big Pharma, financial scams, the gender pay gap, sexual assault and even toxic chemicals. Yet most women do not understand how or when to use legal action to protect themselves and their families. A Case for Women® is out to change that.

Meet: Women Empowerment.

Our Obsessions

Troubled Teen Industry


Real Estate Sexual Assault

Uber/Lyft Assault

Baby Food & Autism

Hair Straighteners/Relaxers

Just because you
didn’t say “no” doesn’t
make you complicit.

If you wound up in a situation of imbalanced power where you couldn’t say no to an authority’s ultimatum, you can have your power back by taking part in civil legal action to prosecute the institution that wasn’t paying attention.


Learn your options

Get hurt.
Say it’s wrong.
Stand up.
Be the change.

A Case for Women® is all about informing women about the affordable legal options that are available if and when they’ve been hurt by one of the Big Bads – negligent pharmaceutical companies, financial institutions, product manufacturers or even companies or schools that “look the other way” when women are assaulted. These (and other) institutions have taken advantage of women for far too long.

Not anymore.

How It Works…

Free Consult

(just click that orange button and let us know how to reach you)


Take Action

(legal or other)


Potential for Life-Changing Financial Compensation

(added bonus of demanding serious accountability, too)

Real Women Talking…

I am incredibly thankful to be represented by strong women. No matter the outcome, this has already been an empowering experience and I am proud of myself for sharing my story.

Former GymnastAbused by Larry Nassar and received compensation through the MSU settlement fund.

I was doubled over in pain during my menstrual cycle crying last month. Then I started doing the research and found you. I am super excited to be one of the women who gets to stand up.

Texas WomanHad a full hysterectomy after severe problems resulting from Essure birth control.

I believe finding you all was the greatest gift of all. I have hope back in my life.

Arizona WomenHas had debilitating problems due to Allergan breast implants.

Oh my gosh! It feels so great to know I'm doing something about this. It feels like I'm a part of something and we're fighting for change.

23 year-oldSuffers severe breathing issues as a result of vaping.

I'm really proud of you for doing this work because this is not easy work. It's really important work. Silicone is toxic in the human body, and women are suffering. You're courageous to continue the fight to go after the manufacturers who have caused such an enormous tragedy.

Karen E. KarkoffChair of the Breast Implant Litigation group for the American Trial Lawyers Association who represented 350 women in the first Dow Corning settlement.

A Free Consult is as
Easy as 1, 2, 3

We Solemnly Swear…

Our mission is to transform the way women think about and access legal and other powerful action.

It’s time for women to harness their power to create change.

So long staying quiet, thinking you’re the only one.

So long getting walked all over by nameless corporations.

See ya’ later discrimination and abuse. Bye bye profiting off of my pain.

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Why A Case For Women?

Because you need understandable information about legal services that you could access without paying one cent up-front. (Yes, you read that right.)

Because the websites and ads for plaintiffs’ lawyers (the ones that work on contingency fees) are way too confusing and often misleading.

Because you need to take care of yourself, and you may have options you’ve never even thought of, like connecting with advocacy groups!

And, because, well, women get things done.

Women keep us safe. Women take care of their families. But who takes care of us?

We do.

Corporate negligence, meet A Case for Women.

We’re made for women, by women and because of women and together, well, let’s just say you’ll hear us roar.

WE WEAR THIS BADGE PROUDLY. Because, in a time when legal services are still dominated by men, only a Women Owned Business can bring the woman’s perspective to issues that disproportionately affect women.

We are the ones, far more than men, who are injured by sexual assault, financial scams, the gender pay gap, toxic chemicals, and the misguided practices of powerful pharmaceutical companies.